I've only just recently come across the acronym MRE which stands for misogynist rights extremists. I like it much more than MRA [male rights activists]. MRE makes it much clearer that we are talking about violent, abusive misogynistic men who genuinely hate women. Far too often when I use the term MRA someone pops up to ask, genuinely, why someone advocating for men's rights is automatically a misogynist. Obviously, there are a whole lot of derailers who ask the same thing but that doesn't negate the importance of answering the question. After all, no feminist would argue that men should not have the right to campaign for rape crisis centres that are men-only or that male breast cancer is lost in the pink hoopla of campaigns to raise awareness of breast cancer in women or that men aren't also victims of domestic violence
Misogynist rights extremists makes it clear we are talking about the men who think domestic violence is just women being whiny rather than systemic violence. It stops the malicious derailment of the discussion of male violence whilst ensuring their is no confusion between men genuinely campaigning to help other men and misogynistic arsenuggets who prefer whinging to actually getting off their arses to do something.
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