This rocked up on my FaceBook feed and I genuinely thought it was a joke. I couldn't believe that the misogynists were now using breast cancer as a way to promote the use of porn. This is actually what Men's Health writes about Pornhub's campaign:
October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, which means every man should do his part in helping to find a cure for the terrible disease that afflicts 1 in 8 U.S. women. And you can start by staring at hot, naked porn stars.Yep, men can help cure breast cancer by participating in the degradation and objectification of women's bodies. They can help cure breast cancer not by financially supporting cancer research but by financially supporting the rape and torture of women's bodies. And, Pornhub is being totally generous with their campaign and are going to donate a whole penny for the every thirty videos watched under the two channels "Big Tit's" and "Small Tit's". That's right 1 penny for every 30 videos. Call me cynical, but I'm guessing that that one penny won't cut too much into their profit margins. Thankfully, the charity named on Pornhub's media release, the Susan G Komen Foundation, have refused to take the donation.*
As ever, I am behind the times since this campaign started on the first of October. I may have been aware of it then and just filed it under "shit that will make me incandescent with rage" and then thought of it no more. I probably would have missed it completely if the link to the article in Men's Health wasn't making the rounds of FB. I can safely say I have never perused that particular magazine before and won't be doing so again. It is an appalling example of heteronormative misogyny. Men's Health is quite clearly just another Lad's mag. This is something I did not need to know. And, seriously in an article on raising money for breast cancer was it absolutely necessary to sneak in a reference to teaching your girlfriend to love porn? Really? In this context, "teaching" sounds a lot like brainwashing. And, calling the (extremely limited) donation "porn pennies" is freaking creepy. Really, really creepy. But, hey, if that doesn't creep you out, this will:*
Meanwhile, here’s one more awesome way to save breasts: Touch ‘em! Men’s Health partnered with the charity Fuck Cancer, and we want you to pledge to be a gentleman. If you find something fishy on your favorite pair of breasts, you could save a life—90 percent of cancers are curable if caught in stage one. Click the image below and take the pledge to touch some breasts now!**And, if the above doesn't depress you, Men's Health seems to be running a campaign with a charity called Fuck Cancer called Fuck Cancer: Touch Some Breasts which calls for men to take a pledge on Facebook to touch some breasts to help identify breast cancer in its early stages. Because a bunch of creepy men are so much likely to help identify breast cancer by grabbing their partners breasts. Their is actually no information easily visible on how to check breasts effectively or what the other signs of breast cancer might be so mostly this is just a cheap trick to abuse women's bodies and tell them it's for their own good.
Having read Men's Health's sex tips, I think it is safe to say that none of the staff are having sexually satisfying relationships with their partners. Well, they may be. I suspect their partners might be balancing their cheque books during coitus instead.***
* I may be over-using the word creepy here. It's becoming somewhat of a habit. I promise to invest in a thesaurus tomorrow.
*** There was a link here. I have taken it out. They don't need anymore aattention.
** Men's Health has an article on words not to use during sex. I'm reclaiming coitus because they are too weird for words.
UPDATE: FeministCurrent has written about the problematic breast cancer campaigns here, as has I Blame the Patriarchy here.
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